ALT + PGUP Rotates forward between currently open applications |
(Equivalent to ALT + TAB on local system) |
ALT + PGDN Rotates backward between currently open applications |
(Equivalent to ALT + SHIFT + TAB on local system) |
Rotates through currently open applications in the order they were |
started |
(Equivalent to ALT + ESC on local system) |
ALT + HOME Displays the Windows Start Menu (same as with the Windows Key) |
(Equivalent to CTRL + ESC on local system) |
Sends a screen shot of the current application in the Remote Desktop |
CTRL + ALT + - (on numeric |
to the Windows clipboard |
keypad) |
(Equivalent to ALT + PRINT SCREEN on local system) |
Sends a screen shot of the entire Remote Desktop session to the |
CTRL + ALT + + (on numeric |
Windows clipboard |
keypad) |
(Equivalent to PRINT SCREEN on local system) |
CTRL + ALT + END Displays the Task Manager or Windows Security dialog box |
(Equivalent to CTRL + ALT + DEL on local system) |