Friday, August 12, 2011

generic application shortcut keys in windows 7


F1  Displays the current application’s Help window

CTRL + A  Selects all text in current document

CTRL + B bold highlighted text
 CTR L + I  ITALICIZE highlighted text

CTRL + U  UNDERLINE highlighted text

CTRL + X  Cuts (deletes) all highlighted text

CTRL + C  Copies all highlighted tex t to the Windows clipboard

CTRL + V  Pastes contents of Windows clipboard into current document at
 cursor position

CTRL + K  Insert hyperlink

CTRL + P  Displays the print dialogue

CTRL + Z  Undo last action

CTRL + Y  Repeat last action

ALT + E  Opens the EDIT menu in the current application

ALT + F  Opens the FILE menu in the current application

SHIFT + INS  Pastes contents of Windows clipboard into current document

HOME  Positions cursor at beginning of current line

CTRL + HOME  Positions cursor at beginning of current document

END  Positions cursor at end of current line

CTRL + END  Positions cursor at end of current document

SHIFT + HOME  Selects all text from current position to beginning of current line

SHIFT + END  Selects all text from current position to end of current line

CTRL + LEFT ARROW  Moves curs or to the left one word at a time

CTRL + RIGHT ARROW  Moves curs or to the right one word at a time

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