Friday, August 12, 2011

internet explorer shortcut keys in win 7


ALT + HOME  Opens Home Page

ALT + LEFT ARROW  Rotates backward through previously viewed websites

ALT + RIGHT ARROW  Rotates forward through previously viewed websites

SPACEBAR  Moves down the current page one s creen at a time

SHIFT + SPACEBAR  Moves up the current page one screen at a time

F11  Toggles between full screen and normal views

ESC  Ends download of current page or file

CTRL + ENTER  Automatically completes an URL (eg: Type elmcomputers in ADDRESS
 BAR, press CTRL + ENTER to format to

CTRL + N  Opens new browser window

CTRL + P  Prints the current page or frame

CTRL + Mouse Wheel Up  Increase text size

CTRL + Mouse Wheel Down  Decrease text size


CTRL + LEFT MOUSE BTN  Open a link in a new background tab

ALT + ENTER  Open a new tab from the Address Bar

CTRL + TAB  Rotate forward through tabs

CTRL + W (or CTRL + F4)  Close current tab

CTRL + Number  Switch to a specific tab (numbered from left to right)

CTRL + Q  Open Quick  Tabs  (thumbnail view of all tabs)

ALT + N  Give focus to Information Bar

ALT + D  Give focus to Address Bar

CTRL + E  Give focus to Toolbar search box

ALT + ENTER  Open your search query in a new tab

CTRL + DOWN ARROW  Show the searc h provider menu

ALT (or F10)  Toggle display of Menu Bar

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