Friday, August 12, 2011

ms-office shortcut keys(excel,front page,outlook,power point,word)-win 7

 F27  Edit contents of a cell

F7  Spell check  entire document or only highlighted text

F11  Create chart

CTRL + ;  Enter the current date

CTRL + SHIFT + ;  Enter the current time

CTRL + ‘  Copies formula from cell above into current cell

CTRL + SHIFT + “  Copies value from cell above into current cell

CTRL + `  Toggles between displaying cell contents and cell formulas

CTRL + R  Copies contents of current cell into selected c ells  to the right

CTRL + D  Copies contents of current cell into selected c ells  below

ALT + SHIFT + F1  Create new work sheet

SHIFT + F3  Displays the formula dialogue

SHIFT + F5  Displays the search dialogue

CTRL + 1  Opens the Format Cells dialogue

CTRL + A  Selects all text in current document

CARL + B  BOLD the highlighted text

CTRL + I  ITALICIZE highlighted text

CTRL + U  UNDERLINE highlighted text

CTRL + 5  STRIKETHROUGH highlighted text

CTRL + X  Cuts (deletes) all highlighted text

CTRL + C  Copies all highlighted tex t to the Windows clipboard

CTRL + V  Pastes contents of Windows clipboard into current document at
cursor position

CTRL + K  Insert hyperlink

CTRL + P  Displays the print dialogue

CTRL + Z  Undo last action

CTRL + Y  Repeat last action

CTRL + F6  Switches between open workbooks

CTRL + F9  Minimize current window

CTRL + F10  Maximize current window

CTRL + PGUP  Rotates forward between work sheets in current document

CTRL + PGDN  Rotates backward between worksheets in current document
CTRL + TAB  Rotates between open documents

CTRL + SHIFT + !  Displays numbers in comma format

CTRL + SHIFT + @  Displays numbers in time format

CTRL + SHIFT + #  Displays numbers in date format

CTRL + SHIFT + $  Displays numbers in currency format

CTRL + SHIFT + %  Displays numbers in percentage format

CTRL + SHIFT + ^  Displays numbers in scientific format

CTRL + SHIFT + ~  Displays numbers without special formatting

ALT + =  Adds a range of cells

CTRL + SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW  Positions cursor at next section of text

CTRL + SHIFT + LEFT ARROW  Positions cursor at previous section of text

CTRL + SPACE  Selects entire current column

SHIFT + SPACE  Selects entire current row


CTRL + A  Selects all text in current document

CTRL + B   BOLD the highlighted text

CTRL + I  ITALICIZE highlighted text

CTRL + U  UNDERLINE highlighted text

CTRL + X  Cuts (deletes) all highlighted text

CTRL + C  Copies all highlighted tex t to the Windows clipboard

CTRL + V  Pastes contents of Windows clipboard into current document at
 cursor position

CTRL + K  Insert hyperlink

CTRL + P  Displays the print dialogue

CTRL + Z  Undo last action

CTRL + Y  Repeat last action

CTRL + K  Insert hyperlink

CTRL + L  Left justifies current line or highlighted text

CTRL + E  Center justifies  current line or highlighted text

CTRL + R  Right justifies current line or highlighted text

CTRL + /  Displays HTML tags

CTRL + S  Saves current document

CTRL + TAB  Switches between currently open documents

CTRL + INS  Inserts line break  at cursor position

CTRL + ENTER  Moves curs or above or below a table

CTRL + SHIFT + B  Preview document in web browser

CTRL + SHIFT + >  Increase highlighted text font size incrementally

CTRL + SHIFT + <  Decrease highlighted text font size incrementally

CTRL + DEL  Deletes word to right of cursor

CTRL + BACKSPACE  Deletes word to left of cursor


CTRL + A  Selects all text in current document

CTRL + B   BOLD the highlighted text

CTRL + I  ITALICIZE highlighted text

CTRL + U  UNDERLINE highlighted text

CTRL + X  Cuts (deletes) all highlighted text

CTRL + C  Copies all highlighted tex t to the Windows clipboard

CTRL + V  Pastes contents of Windows clipboard into current document at
cursor position

CTRL + P  Displays the print dialogue

CTRL + Z  Undo last action

CTRL + Y  Redo last action

CTRL + L  Left justifies current line or highlighted text

CTRL + E  Center justifies  current line or highlighted text

CTRL + S  Saves current document

CTRL + DEL  Deletes word to right of cursor

CTRL + BACKSPACE  Deletes word to left of cursor

CTRL + SHIFT + I  Jump to Inbox folder

CTRL + SHIFT + O  Jump to Outbox folder

CTRL + 1  Jump to Mail folder

CTRL + 2  Jump to Calendar folder

CTRL + 3  Jump to Contacts folder

CTRL + 4  Jump to Task s folder

CTRL + Y  Opens the Go to Folder dialogue

CTRL + R  Reply to current message

CTRL + SHIFT + R  Reply to all rec ipients of current message


CTRL + A  Selects all text in current document

CTRL + B   BOLD the highlighted text

CTRL + I  ITALICIZE highlighted text

CTRL + U  UNDERLINE highlighted text

CTRL + X  Cuts (deletes) all highlighted text

CTRL + C  Copies all highlighted tex t to the Windows clipboard

CTRL + V  Pastes contents of Windows clipboard into current document at
cursor position

SHIFT + F3  Toggles selected text between lowercase, initial capital and

SHIFT + F9  Toggle grid lines

ALT + F9  Toggle guide lines

CTRL + M  New slide

CTRL + D  Duplicate current slide

CTRL + SHIFT + C  Copy Autoshape styles

CTRL + SHIFT + V  Paste Autoshape styles

CTRL + SHIFT + G  Group objects

CTRL + SHIFT + H  Un-group objects

F5  Start a presentation


CTRL + A  Selects all text in current document

CTRL + B   BOLD the highlighted text

 CTRL + I  ITALICIZE highlighted text

CTRL + U  UNDERLINE highlighted text

CTRL + X  Cuts (deletes) all highlighted text

CTRL + C  Copies all highlighted tex t to the Windows clipboard

CTRL + V  Pastes contents of Windows clipboard into current document at
cursor position

CTRL + K  Insert hyperlink

CTRL + P  Displays the print dialogue

CTRL + Z  Undo last action

CTRL + Y  Repeat last action

CTRL + F  Displays Microsoft Word’s Find dialogue

SHIFT + F4  Repeat most recent Find command

CTRL + K  Insert hyperlink

CTRL + L  Left justifies current line or highlighted text

CTRL + E  Center justifies  current line or highlighted text

CTRL + R  Right justifies current line or highlighted text

SHIFT + F3  Changes case of highlighted text

CTRL + N  Opens new blank doc ument

CTRL + P  Displays the print dialogue

CTRL + SHIFT + F  Displays the font properties  dialogue

CTRL + SHIFT + >  Increase highlighted text font size incrementally

CTRL + SHIFT + <  Decrease highlighted text font size incrementally

CTRL + ]  Increase highlighted text font size incrementally

CTRL + [  Decrease highlighted text font size incrementally

CTRL + SHIFT + *  Toggles dis play of non-printing characters

CTRL + UP ARROW  Positions cursor at beginning of current paragraph

CTRL + DOWN ARROW  Positions cursor at end of current paragraph

CTRL + M  Indent current paragraph

CTRL + DEL  Deletes word to right of cursor

CTRL + BACKSPACE  Deletes word to left of cursor

CTRL + SPACE BAR  Resets highlighted text to default font

CTRL + 1  Spaces current line or highlighted text using single line s pacing

CTRL + 5  Spaces current line or highlighted text using 1.5 line spacing

CTRL + 2  Spaces current line or highlighted text using double line spacing

CTRL + ALT + 1  Formats highlighted text to Heading 1

CTRL + ALT + 2  Formats highlighted text to Heading 2

CTRL + ALT + 3  Formats highlighted text to Heading 3

F4  Repeat last action (Microsoft Office 2000 or higher only)

F5  Opens Go To dialogue

SHIFT F5  Jump to previous edit point in document

F7  Spell check  entire document or only highlighted text

SHIFT + F7  Opens the Thesaurus  dialogue

F8  Turns on Selection Mode. Use any Word feature to add to selection
 or F8 to increase selection by word, sentence, paragraph or

F12  Opens the Sav e Document As dialogue

SHIFT + F12  Saves current document

CTRL + F6  Rotate through open documents

ALT + F6  Toggle between open documents and program dialogues

ALT + Mouse click  Opens the Research Panel (if installed) showing information about
current word or selection

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